Returning to Krypton Radio for Event Horizon

There is nothing like the actual feel of a book in print!

There is nothing like the actual feel of a book in print!

Greetings, folks!

I have the honor of being interviewed tonight by the talented people of Krypton Radio, and, about “A Dangerous Dance of Empire” — Book 3 of the Brass Jack cycle. We would love to hear any questions you might have and maybe we can answer them during the program.

Got a question about the Brass Jack series (beyond the inevitable, “when are you writing more?”)? Feel free to send questions here, on Twitter, or on Facebook.

The Event Horizon — — airs each Saturday evening at 9 PM pacific, replaying again the next Sunday afternoon at 4 PM Pacific. And a third weekly play has been added for a reply on Thursday afternoon at 3 PM pacific.

No matter how silly, feel free to ask! 

Want to subscribe to the Event Horizon podcast? Check out iTunes. Download previous interviews: 


Post Interview

It’s a completely new experience listening to one’s self on the internet, having just listened to the Event Horizon on Krypton Radio. At first you’re thinking, is that really me? Is that really my voice? And then after the novelty has worn off, you start thinking why didn’t I bring better notes to the event?

But as I really look back on the interview, I was so thankful to be surrounded by such wonderful friends and amazing, cool people in the audience. I got a chance to talk about my books and give several shout-outs to many worthwhile folks and events. And that is just awesomesauce by itself.

I’m very thankful to LASFS (the Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society) and Krypton Radio for making it all possible. I’m certain the world is not going to catch on fire because of one broadcast (or one podcast for later listening) but it’s cool to think that someone in Mexico or Germany can listen to what I think about science fiction and writing. And I hope they enjoyed it.

Let’s make more craziness happen.

LASFS - Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society

LASFS – Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society

Krypton Radio Interview, Listen Saturday

I was honored to talk about writing my trilogy last night in front of the Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society and to have that recorded by Krypton Radio. I thought we were streaming live, but actually it’s recorded live and then played back on Saturday at 9 PM (Pacific).

You can read more about the Event Horizon event on Krypton Radio’s website. There are many ways to listen to Krypton Radio.

SF Writer Robert Seutter turns his prodigious knowledge of myth, legend, and storytelling into some serious sci-fi

SF Writer Robert Seutter turns his prodigious knowledge of myth, legend, and storytelling into some serious sci-fi