Excerpt from Brass Jack: A Fine Bit of Insurrection

An excerpt from Brass Jack: A Fine Bit of Insurrection. This features one of my favorite characters, Ms. Alexandria Pi.

Jack headed back over to the makeshift infirmary in the big recreation room. Lady Crystal was already ahead of him, bending over to check on some patients. On a couch, Jack saw Alexandria Pi, her distinctive up-tech skinsuit tight against her long, tall body. She was unconscious, her green short hair matted from having a helmet on for so long. And she was drooling. It wasn’t a good look on her. Normally after someone was stunned, it was best to let them sleep it off, but this was not one of those times. Jack pulled his military stunner, flipped the butt of it, and pressed the contacts against her neck.


She flopped for a second and came up swinging. Jack barely got out of the way as a hard fist on a long slender arm flailed past his ear.

“WhatintheFlyingGasbagSonofWitheredPissant…!!!!” Jack stepped back and waited while she swore up a storm and beat the crap out of the couch. “OW. OW. OW!”

She spun to a standing position and spotted the big Ursoid across the room. She pointed one of her long fingers at him. “YOU! YOU Mother Humping… Son OF A RUG! YOU stunned me!” She was mid-stride toward the giant Ursoid warrior, who was looking a bit chagrined when Jack tried to stop her.

He yelled at her, “Pi! PI! ALEX!”

She whirled on him, “What?!”

Pointing at Shipshaker, he continued shouting, “You are about to attack, barehanded, a thousand pound, eight-foot bear who also happens to be an Imperial Powered armor trooper. This is not logical!”

“You’re right,” she admitted, focusing blearily on Jack. She adjusted her concentration and pointed to his waist, holding out her hand. “Gun. Give. NOW.”

Jack shook his head no and backed away.

“Alex. We need to talk to you about the Ambassador.”

This sentence had an immediate effect on the tall skinny woman. Her focus came back sharply.

“How is he, where is he, is he okay?” She rattled tersely, stepping forward.

Holding up held up his hand, Jack answered, “He’s decent for the moment. You need coffee.”

The Gatian nodded. She turned and pointed at the Ursoid.

“You and me, Rug-boy. We ain’t done.”

Shipshaker gave her a frightened smile and went back to cleaning a hundred pound rail gun, holding it like a toy.

A quick explanation about Print On Demand

A quick explanation about Print On Demand (POD or why are your books pricy?) Here’s the thing: If you are a writer with a major publishing company, they generally have their books made overseas to bring the price down. They create ten thousand books and have them shipped over. This also usually means two things. (1) A LOT of dead trees. (2) Books that don’t sell often end up in a land fill with their covers torn off or recycled.

My books sell for $5.00 on Amazon/Kindle (and we can get you a different e-version if you don’t do Kindle.) Cheap! Or if you order them from Lulu or you want a signed, dedicated version from me, it’s going to run a little more than $20 plus shipping. But that’s me doing the schlepping, signing, packing driving, ordering, etc. It’s a labor of love (as in I love it when folks like to read my my writing.)

So, just in case you think that my fame and vast wads of cash have gone to my head, I assure you, myself and most of my writer friends take turns dunking a single ramen noodle in tepid water and dreaming of being Stephen King. And of caffeine… always caffeine…

Arthur Bear loves his hard copy books, Print on Demand of course

Arthur Bear loves his hard copy books, Print on Demand of course

New Reviews for Brass Jack: A Fine Bit of Insurrection

I saw my first review on Amazon for “Brass Jack: A Fine Bit of Insurrection.” I don’t recognize the name of the person who wrote it (not uncommon when many of your friends have many names) but I’m going to repost a bit here.

“I have read 300 or so books on my kindle to date and I rank the authors into a number of categories so I can look for new releases from the better authors. Robert Seutter easily makes it into my highest ranking. Keep up the good work and please give us some more books.”

It’s hard to be a writer in today’s market, especially now in today’s e-publishing world. There are a lot of talented people getting stuff out there. But when someone who reads a lot of Sci-fi gives you a great review, it means something. That somehow all the Zelazny, Heinlein, Anderson, Butcher, and Sterling that my brain has been marinating in might have made a difference.

Excuse me as I go have my Sally Fields moment…

Brass Jack: A Fine Bit of Insurrection, available now

Brass Jack: A Fine Bit of Insurrection, available now

Post Interview

It’s a completely new experience listening to one’s self on the internet, having just listened to the Event Horizon on Krypton Radio. At first you’re thinking, is that really me? Is that really my voice? And then after the novelty has worn off, you start thinking why didn’t I bring better notes to the event?

But as I really look back on the interview, I was so thankful to be surrounded by such wonderful friends and amazing, cool people in the audience. I got a chance to talk about my books and give several shout-outs to many worthwhile folks and events. And that is just awesomesauce by itself.

I’m very thankful to LASFS (the Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society) and Krypton Radio for making it all possible. I’m certain the world is not going to catch on fire because of one broadcast (or one podcast for later listening) but it’s cool to think that someone in Mexico or Germany can listen to what I think about science fiction and writing. And I hope they enjoyed it.

Let’s make more craziness happen.

LASFS - Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society

LASFS – Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society

Krypton Radio Interview, Listen Saturday

I was honored to talk about writing my trilogy last night in front of the Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society and to have that recorded by Krypton Radio. I thought we were streaming live, but actually it’s recorded live and then played back on Saturday at 9 PM (Pacific).

You can read more about the Event Horizon event on Krypton Radio’s website. There are many ways to listen to Krypton Radio.

SF Writer Robert Seutter turns his prodigious knowledge of myth, legend, and storytelling into some serious sci-fi

SF Writer Robert Seutter turns his prodigious knowledge of myth, legend, and storytelling into some serious sci-fi

Brass Jack: A Fine Bit of Insurrection

Available today, the newest installment in the Brass Jack trilogy.


Brass Jack: A Fine Bit of Insurrection, available from Hunt Press

Order BRASS JACK: A FINE BIT OF INSURRECTION from Hunt Press today. (Available in print-on-demand from Lulu and electronically on Amazon Kindle)

For the very curious, image used with permission for the cover background of BRASS JACK: A FINE INSURRECTION – Copyright Nick Wright / IPHAS http://star.herts.ac.uk/~nwright/imaging.html IC1396b – The Elephant Trunk Nebula