“Voice of Legend” columns forthcoming

I am going to be writing some articles for Krypton Radio (you can also find them on Facebook) for a column called, “Voice of Legend.” The premise is loosely “connecting interesting bit of ancient fact and folklore to modern day geeky stuff.” I’m going to address some topics on Christmas and other holidays, plus probably some discussions on Thor, the Avengers, and more.

But I am interested in what you folks might want to hear about. These articles will be pulished on Krypton Radio’s website,  be recorded for on-air playback, and probably posted on my website.

Krypton Radio

Krypton Radio

So, what are you interested in?

Suggestions so far include: Robin Hood in the media, Myths in TV, King Arthur, Greek mythology, themes where a strange man is in a strange land (whether Harry Potter, Superman, Dr. Who, etc.), the studies on myth published by Joseph Campbell, characters like Buffy, Wonder Woman, and Professor McGonagall, Celtic myths, short characters like dwarves, gnomes, and hobbits, Zombies and analogs, the importance of Stories in Modern Life, ghosts in various cultures…. Keep the amazing suggestions coming!

Your stalwart author, sporting yet another hat

Your stalwart author, sporting yet another hat

P.S. Hatband woven by the clever paws of Ms. Cat Ellen. It’s purty!

When I was growing up, Cowboys in Minnesota did not wear cowboy hats. Hybrid seed baseball caps and mud boots were the dress of choice. With or without Parka, depending.

Little known fact: We had a horse growing up, and I took care of 14-27 horses while at Bar-None Ranch in Minnesota. I like horses. I’m just not fond of all the work. Feeding and maintaining 20+ horses at 10- on cold Minnesota mornings cured my horse habit big time.

Contest Winners!

Alrighty, then! It would appear that we have a winner! Three of them in fact!

First Place: Linda Nicola; Second Place: Cat Ellen; and finally Third Place: Fern A. Zimmerman. Ms. Nicola, I will be contacting you about your desires for the upcoming Brass Jack short story. Ms. Cat Ellen, I will name the starship, per your directions. And Mssr. Fern, we will discuss the interesting/gruesome way your character will die in a future novel.


Thank you all so much for playing, and helping me promote the trilogy!

Contest Wrap-Up Time

Okay Folks, time to let us know how you did!

The contest was how many people you could get to go to the Amazon Site and click on the Brass Jack links. The Prizes include the following.

  • 1st Prize: A feature role in a hand crafted Brass Jack Universe Story.
  • 2nd Prize: A Starship named after the person of your choice.
  • 3rd Prize: An interesting/hilarious death in a future novel/story.

This on the honor system. So, how many folks did YOU get to go here? http://www.amazon.com/Robert-Seutter/e/B00AR0FZDA/ref=ntt_athr_dp_pel_pop_1

Feel free to post your comment here or on Facebook!

Arthur Bear loves his hard copy books, Print on Demand of course

Arthur Bear loves his hard copy books, Print on Demand of course